Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Stepping Out into the Blogosphere

Welcome to my new blog!  I love to scrapbook and my husband loves to grow flowers.  So I thought it would be appropriate to name my blog Creative Scrap Garden.  I love sharing my scrapbook creations online just like he likes showing off his love of pretty flowers every spring in our yard.  It's a joy to just see how the flowers grow and mature and I feel like that's where I am going with my scrapbooking.  I started out just making computer generated graphic cards.  Then on to paper crafted cards.  My family and friends love to get their handmade cards.  Then about 7 years ago I decided to start a scrapbook of my children's baby pictures and I have been hooked ever since.  I truly have a passion for creating scrapbook layouts and cards.  It's so much fun and even more fun when I can share them with others.  

1 comment:

  1. Gloria--I love your yard and our LOs. Your blog is off to a good start!
